Latest News

18 March 06 - Study temporarily suspended due to other commitments.

12 October 05 - second contact from a Chipping Barnet Pakes!

14 September 05 - Indexed the 1000th individual in Family Tree Maker 'Pakes' database.
4 September 05 - Information received which now links the Filgrave Pakes' to the Kings Norton Pakes'.

31 August 05 - First issue of Genealogy Forum bulletin to members.

30 August 05 - New focus on "Chipping Barnet Pakes'" through new contact with a descendant and fellow researcher.

Author's Grandfather, top right. Photo thought to have been taken about 1914


Notices and Alerts

This site is hosted by  FT ISAMS.

7 November 1668 - Walter Pake(s) hanged for murder. [Story currently under investigation]

Current One Name Study Project: Mini-project to reinforce Australia-Filgrave links started 26 August 05. Current status 'temporarily suspended' - target completion date originally planned for end November 05. [Taking rather longer than expected due to author underestimating the about of raw material requiring processing, and the temporary suspension of research due to other commitments].

WARNING: Please be aware of a Genealogy scam aimed at the unsuspecting. William Pince Publishers offering "The Pakes Chronicle". I telephoned this company in August 2004 and my suspicions were aroused. A further internet search clearly indicated that the name and address associated with this company were closely linked with similar scams. In July this year, Sir John Vickers, Chairman of the Office of Fair Trading said that "the claims made by this company were false and misled people into thinking that a study had been conducted into their family history".